Page 99

He was starting to get worried. Beta Male had returned, but he didn’t bring the girl with him.the Nice Smelling Two-Walker that had named him Spot. This was not good. She’d been gone for some time and he knew when time passed that wasn’t good. His pack should be where he could see it.

He blamed Beta Male. Everyone else had too, he could tell by their actions. He did like the Large One with the Funny Bark. He converted the one that smelled like oil and gunpowder to their cause. Spot could turn his attention to other matters, like the Nice Smelling Two-Walker.. While they played with the funny smelling Gun Powder, he decided that he was going to get to work.

Walking the halls, he couldn’t find anything, and it didn’t help there was so many two walkers that the smells were becoming impossible to pull part. Sometimes he wished his mother had been a bloodhound.

Moving farther away, the other four walker started to whine. She didn’t like being so far from the pack. He turned back and urged her forward. She hopped on her front legs and he huffed. She knew what they needed to do, but they weren’t going to do that while they were playing with Gun Powder. No matter; he was used to working without a pack for years. He could do it again for a time. He hoped not too long, it was kind of a nice pack. He didn’t need to find his own food here.

One of the perks of being Alpha.

He walked on alone, down into the darker and less occupied areas of the building. While there was less to sniff through, the dusty concrete was making him sneeze. He could never understand what the two walkers liked about buildings like these.

He reached a gate, and he had to wait till there was another two walker heading in and as the door started to close he slipped free. He used the same technique when he wanted to get into the food houses that he’d heard a two walker call a “Grocery Store.” These hallways where also mostly empty and he was happy, because there were all kinds of new smells, strange chemicals that played weird in his head, made him feel like he’d been chasing his tail.

He was thinking it might be time to do just that when he caught another scent and he wasn’t sure what it was.

Trotting down a hall it started to feel colder, but there was more light, and he tried to keep to the walls, not wanting to be seen. He was sure this was one of those places the two walkers would yell at him about. When it seemed important to them, they yelled about things that were important.

There was another door at the end of the this hall. There was no way to see through it and there wasn’t a handle that he could use. He jumped up and tried to push at the door. He couldn’t get it to open or even rattle but he jumped back from the door giving a soft whine. He got a good sniff that time.

Tucking his tail in close he leaned his nose in close to the edge of the door and his brain exploded with the command. “RUN!” Then he was, he was running full speed, trying to keep himself from whining and giving himself away.

There was death on the other side of that door. Walking death!

He had to tell the pack.

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