Page 104

What happened? What happened? What happened!

Max couldn’t make out heads or tails of things again. This seemed to be happening more and more. She was just talking with the dead thing that called itself the Baron. Something wasn’t right,for one he gave himself a name. No one else had a name, they didn’t want a name. It wasn’t needed to feed. Wasn’t that what it was all about?

It didn’t matter, he was missing anyway.

Feeling alone and exposed she moved along with the rest of the guards. The Baron attacked them, but they were all better now. Following along behind they soon found a young woman, eyes wide with fright and confusion. She looked quite delicious if Max was being honest with herself, and when the others moved and pinned her down, she joined them. She felt herself starting to drool as feeling the woman’s life permeated every sense she had.

The first bite was delicious. It lived up to everything she would have ever hoped for, the feeling of life fading urged her to take everything she could, till her face and clothes were both wet and sticky. Then, it was gone. Whatever it was she wanted or needed had vanished.

As one, the dead soldiers rose from the body and started to move towards the next beacon of life. The feelings of life were getting stronger, the further they shambled, the harder it was to think about anything other than just how hungry she was.

Other soldiers ran into the hall and took aim. She never knew just how loud rifles could be before they were being fired at her in an enclosed space. The others before her worked as a good shield, unfazed by the bullets as they shredded their bodies. Both sides were too stubborn to back down as the undead closed the distance, so close now that Max could see the fear in their eyes.

It was exquisite.

There were more alive soldiers than dead, but once the zombies had gotten ahold of the first man and dragged him down, panic and disorder reigned. Max wondered what the larger, stronger men would taste like. Would there be a stronger sense of accomplishment? She was just about find out when a sound from the side caught her attention. Not that it was really sound, but more like a feeling. Rising to her feet she moved in a Zen like state through a side hallway.

It was darker here, life was felt, but not the living feast of the main hallway. She moved along the cell doors till she came to one that was… just different than the rest. She tried the handle, but the door was locked.

“Hey what are you doing back here, don’t you know there are zomb….AHH!”

She had a key.

Unlocking the door she stepped into the room, and there was life here, but it was different. Walking forward there was a man sleeping on the bed. It was Jake. Good old Jake who’d been with her from the start. He’d kept her from falling in with the masses.

She leaned down, her mouth opening. She wonders how he was going to taste.

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