Page 107

This was not the best date she’d ever been on. Her head was killing her, her mouth felt like it was full of gum and once again she had no idea where she was. Shavian looked to the left and then to the right. At least there wasn’t some stranger she’d have to try and explain things to. She sat up and looked around again.

“Where are my clothes?” She didn’t know who wanted to play doctor, but she was in a tie-back medical gown, and her bare butt squeaked over the thin mattress he was laying on. Okay, she was in nothing but a tie-back medical gown. Looking around the room, she bit her lip to keep the world from spinning as she tried to find her clothes or at least some scrap of clothing.

“It’s why we diet: for times like this.” Shavian turned and focused all her effort in just getting her feet on the floor. Trying to stand, the world the world flipped and she scrambled to grab the bed again. She strained to think harder about what had happened last night.

Okay, it was some kind of zombie party and I kept getting stuck with the annoying people. And the only cute guy turned out to be a loser when he opened his mouth to talk.

No wait. She tried another pass.

Okay, it was some kind of zombie invasion and I kept getting kidnaped by annoying people. And the only cute guy turned out be a loser when he opened his mouth to talk.

Well at least I was mostly right the first time.

The panic started to set in but the adrenaline cleared her head, and now it was easy to realize this wasn’t a frat boy’s dorm room. This was a damned hospital room, or surgical room. She looked down: there was an IV in her left hand. She followed the line up to a mostly empty bag. Whatever drugs they’d put her on were wearing off.

Also, there where shots outside her door. If there is one thing a Mormon can understand, it’s when a firearm is going off and in what caliber. “That’s a 1911 Colt 45, Series 80.” She could tell by how sharp the report was coming off the concrete walls. “Higgins!” She tried to yell but with her dry throat it was more of a croak. She needed to get to him, but she was tied to the bed by the IV line. She looked up and sighed. “God, you challenge my faith in the weirdest ways.” Knowing she had only moments she pulled at the tape and tried to keep her hands from violently shaking as she exposed the plastic tube pushed into her vein.

“Okay, Shavian. You can do this, you are stronger than this. This is nothing but plastic. Plastic that is pushed into your hand. Eww.” She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giving off anything more than a whimper as she slowly pulled the tube back, her eyes going wide at just how damn long it was.

Where was this thing going? China?

At last the end came free and the blood welled up. She tossed the tube to the side and used the edge of her gown to cover the wound. It was going to bruise like hell.

She pushed off the bed and rocked back and forth on unstable feet. The drug was retreating, but keeping up this effort was going to make her puke. She listened to her bare feet slapping against the cool tile as she waddled for the door. The door was unlocked, and on the other side she heard footsteps, one set of them shambling.

She knew that was danger, even if she couldn’t remember why. She looked to the second door and she knew where to go, but not if she could make it.

From beyond the door…

“I say, they’ve made a bloody mess out of my fine blazer… With blood,” a raspy British voice declared.

“They will be back,” a cool deep voice said opening the door. “They won’t leave this base without their friend. But our time table has been moved up.”

“Yes, let me make a fine meal of the girl.” The raspy voice sounded pleased.

“It will be a bite and nothing more, Baron. Do not forget our deal.”

“But she looks delicious!” the Baron, hissed.

Irons stepped in the door and paused as he scanned the room. “She looks, gone.” He eyed the empty IV, “No!”

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